Chocolate Making 1 - Basics 101

5 Apr (Sat) 11am

Regular price $230.00 Sale

5 April (Saturday) 11:00am - 2:00pm : 10

$230 for onsite participants.

$218.50 for zoom participants WITH food. Discount code ZOOM5.

$207 for zoom participants WITHOUT food. Discount code ZOOM10.

What is the difference between Couverture Chocolate and Compound Chocolate? Which one should we use to temper chocolates? What is chocolate tempering? Chef Juliet is here to take us on the chocolate journey beginning with tempering your own chocolate at home. Once you have mastered the technique of chocolate tempering, you will be able to make your own chocolate bars of premium quality chocolate filled with your favourite nuts and flavors. Say goodbye to non-essential ingredients like lecithin, vanilla extracts, added sugar or artificial flavorings! These chocolate bars will serve as perfect handmade gifts for your loved ones too. You will no longer need to break your wallet to satisfy your chocolate fix. 


1. Traditional Bruchschoggi with Hazelnuts

Bruchschoggi means broken chocolate. It is a traditional Swiss chocolate made with whole roasted hazelnuts served in irregular, broken pieces. Dark chocolate will be used for this recipe.


v  Take home pieces: about 120g

2. Chocolate Bars – 2 flavors

Use tempered dark chocolate to create your very own chocolate bar with fillings of your choice like roasted macadamia nuts, almonds, raisins. 


v Take home: 2 chocolate bars about 100-120g

3. Almond Rocher

Inspired by the Ferrero Rocher chocolates, let’s create your very own Almond Rocher in small paper moulds, using milk chocolate and roasted almond silvers.


v  Take home: 6 pieces of about 50g 



Hands-on for onsite participants (max of 8 participants and pair-work) with demonstration by Chef with videos and photos snippets sent via WhatApp. Recipes will be emailed ahead for ZOOM participants.

Take Home Items

Onsite participants will bring home a set of chocolates. ZOOM participants WITH food samples can opt for self-collection or delivery at no extra cost.  

Each participant will also receive 2 chocolate bar silicon moulds (suitable for chocolate making, not baking). Designs will random.


Juliet Ho
Learn more about Juliet here