Bonny Easter Breads

Bonny Easter Breads

12 Apr (Sat) 11.30am

Regular price $210.00 Sale

12 April (Saturday) 11:30am - 3:30pm : 10

$210 for onsite participants.

$199.50 for zoom participants WITH food. Discount code ZOOM5.

$189 for zoom participants WITHOUT food. Discount code ZOOM10.

This Easter, tuck into tasty twists on tradition – these satisfying and flavourful bakes will bring some sunshine to your table!

1. Pasca

A grand and golden Easter treat from Romania. A soft, rich bread cradles a centre of creamy cheesecake studded with brandy-soaked raisins, everything infused with citrus zest and sweet spices. Splendid to see, surprisingly straightforward to make, scrumptious to eat.

2. Italian Easter Cheese Bread

A fluffy, puffy olive-oil brioche packed with three kinds of cheese for a fragrant and supremely savoury appeal, this is known as torta di pasqua al formaggio in Italy, where it is served at Easter Sunday breakfast or lunch. You’ll want to make it all year round!

3. Longan Apricot and Hojicha Hot Cross Buns

These may look like classic hot cross buns, but one bite reveals the aromatic difference – the lightly spiced dough is laden with succulent pieces of dried longan and Turkish apricots, and scented with a dash of Japanese Hojicha. Delicious with butter! 


Demonstration by Chef with videos and photos snippets sent via WhatApp. Recipes will be emailed ahead for ZOOM participants. 

Take Home Items

Onsite participants will bring home a set of food samples. ZOOM participants WITH food samples can opt for self-collection or delivery at no extra cost.  


Christopher Tan
Learn more about Christopher here